At last, this year North Cumbria Scriptwriters was able to recommence its competition, open to all wannabe writers, following the pandemic.
And what a response! Twenty-seven entries which had to be reduced to six.
A hard task but a worthwhile one as the six selected for performance in April this year at Keswick’s Theatre by The Lake and Penrith Playhouse gave a wide range of styles and subject matter. An AI carer, a ‘weed’ growing grandmother, and a Hendrix fan with little knowledge of geography, entertained at both venues successfully to appreciative audiences. More serious subjects were tackled, including climate change, which also made an impact.
NCS very much recognise and appreciate the effort put in by the directors, the actors and the theatre staff who put themselves forward to ensure the words of the writers come to life on the stage.
It was a successful event from the conception of the Act Your Age theme to the final performance, more than enough to encourage us to run a new competition in 2026. Again our thanks to all concerned.
If you were in the audience and would like to comment, or if you are interested in writing scripts for performance, then please contact us on Northcumbriascriptwriters@
ACT YOUR AGE is coming to Penrith and Keswick!
20th April at Keswick Theatre by the Lake -
27th April at Penrith Theatre –
Lovely write up in Cumberland and Westmoreland Herald last week for our winners:
Entries have been entered...
Judges have judged...
We are delighted to announce the winners of the 2023 Lonely Cloud competition: ACT YOUR AGE. Thank you to all entrants and a very special well done to our winners!
We are a group of writers with a serious commitment to writing for performance on stage, screen and radio.
We are associated with the Theatre By The Lake (TBTL) in Keswick, Cumbria, UK.
Our members pay a small annual subscription and we meet on the last Thursday of the month (except December) usually at TBTL, but occasionally at other venues.
Our objectives are to:
- Promote and support scriptwriting in Cumbria.
- Encourage our members to write, write, write!
- Gather information concerning competitions, organisations looking for writers, funding and courses, and disseminate it to our members.
- Run scriptwriting courses and workshops.
- Take an active interest in each other’s work.
In the second part of the meeting, we read something one of us has written, followed by a round table session of constructive comment. So far, no violence has ensued!
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